Sunday, January 18, 2009

Karate Teaches Respect

Respect means to reverence, recognize value in, appreciate, or think highly of someone or something. In martial arts, we respect our instructors because we know they have studied and practiced for many years to attain their state of proficiency. We are grateful that they are willing to share their knowledge and skill with us. We know that if we are diligent in following their instructions and example, that we will become better people, better martial artists, and better warriors of peace.

Karate instructors are just one example of people we respect. Everyone in the human family deserves some amount of your respect and for various reasons. Having this respect for all mankind keeps us humble and helps us learn from everyone we meet.

I have noticed that in today's world, many people, especially in the rising generation, either do not have much respect, or don't know how to show it. As a society, we have plenty of room for improvement. Try these simple ways of showing respect and see if it doesn't make a big difference in your life.

1.When someone is speaking to you, listen.
2.When you commit to do something, do it.
3.View everyone you meet as a fellow human with precious emotions, desires, ambitions, challenges, strengths, and accomplishments.

When we discover that we have more similarities than differences, we start to care. Caring warrants respect. If everyone treated each other with respect, the world would be at peace.

Let the Black Belt within you break free!

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